Make Cannabis More Sustainable

With Green for Green

Remove Any Caps

Glass is accepted, but please remove all plastic caps from glass containers.

Open Containers

◊ This is to ensure that they are empty of product and speeds up processing times.

any cannabis Packaging

◊ All cannabis packaging is accepted from any dispensary, but This can be overridden by the store.

No Organics

◊ All product must be removed from the packaging prior to depositing recycling in the bin.

◊ This is a requirement for the Marijuana Enforcement Division.

No Liquids

◊ Removing liquids makes processing much easier, Ensures Less Contamination, prevents machinery damage and conserves more energy.

No Trash

◊ Please refrain from depositing trash in the recycling bin, this also makes processing actual recycling more difficult.

◊ (no burgers, no burritos, no coffee cups, NO Sharp objects that will cut. Yes all these have been found in recycling processing, some more than others)